Spring Cleaning Diet

Yogi Bhajan gave a special diet for pre-spring (the window from March 15 - April 15), when the body goes through renewing itself.

It will cleanse the blood and strengthen the nerves to give you a new pranic capacity. Traditionally, it was given to athletes and yogis preparing for competitions and endurance tests. Seven days of a mono-diet on this recipe can completely revive your system, giving you increased stamina, flexibility, and fortitude.

*Conditions for Maximum Efficacy: Please drink only water with lemon, not straight water. This fast must not exceed 7 days, but no minimum time is specified — if you’re new to yogic cleansing, it’s best to begin with a 3-5 day fast! After the 7th day (max), you must break the fast. It is always recommended to consult your doctor before beginning a dietary fast.

Saffron Rice Recipe:
2 cups basmati rice
1.5 cups almonds (soaked overnight and skinned)
1 cup raisins
4.5 cups water
10 threads saffron
.25 cup yogurt

Soak almonds and raisins overnight. Saute raw rice in coconut oil or ghee until toasted then add water, saffron, almonds, and raisins to soften with rice as it cooks. Serve with yogurt on top.

Like all yogic cleansing diets, this mono fast also helps flush the internal organs and reignite our digestive fire, Agni. By mono-dieting just one dish, our digestive system is freed from having to adapt to changing inputs, resulting in consistent and smooth movement of nutrients through the organs.

Gian Jasdeep