Wisdom of the Lunar Days

In Kundalini yoga, we awaken a continuous experience of the “flow state” when we synchronize our biochemical rhythm with the flow of our psyche and timing of nature. Aligning with the lunar cycle is a profound and immediate lifestyle change that can offer such an experience.

Each lunar day has a unique energy and quality, and Kundalini yogis can use this knowledge to enhance their practice. However, it’s the New Moon, Full Moon, 4th lunar day, and 11th lunar days that deserve special attention. On these days, the gravitational force of the moon pulls on the water inside the body much like it does with the ocean’s tides. The outcome is a subtle shift in the secretion of our endocrine glands to support self-healing and homeostasis. With some awareness and application of yogic technology, this naturally occurring process can be harnessed to influence our consciousness and energy levels. Specifically, vigorous yoga sets for the endocrine system can create a surge of activity in the pituitary gland and reset the hormonal balance in the bloodstream.

The glandular system plays a crucial role in various aspects of our well-being, including our emotions, aging, immune strength, and metabolism. Our ability to cope with stress and face life’s challenges is closely tied to the balance of our glandular system. When we align our body's secretions with the amplification of a lunar day, we can experience positive changes in our personality, such as increased friendliness, patience, and compassion. These changes are a result of improvements in our endocrine and metabolic functioning, which are noticeable and can lead to a heightened sense of beauty and well-being.

Maintaining a healthy glandular system is essential for natural happiness, radiant health, and authentic projection, making it vital to pay attention to the rhythms of our body and adjust our practices accordingly. Fasting on the days of these special cosmic alignments will also help activate the body’s capacity for self-healing and open a clear channel for Kundalini energy to rise and descend. Like a surfer catching a wave, we can ride the momentum of the lunar flux to enhance our wellbeing on levels physical, emotional and spiritual. 

You can find a full list of the lunar days through online lunar phase calendars, or simply begin counting the days starting with the New Moon as Lunar Day One. 

Gian Jasdeep