On the spiritual path, there’s always more than meets the eye. Cultivating the habit to look deeper, look again, and then deeper still, gives us a ‘bigger picture’ by which to navigate life. One such perspective from the lineage of Kundalini Yoga is the Ten Body System.

Below the layers of materiality, yogis discovered that human beings are composed of 10 intertwined bodies including a soul, three mental bodies, a physical form, and five energetic manifestations. Developing an awareness of and relationship to our 10 Bodies, we can more clearly perceive the self within the whole and the whole within the self. In turn, we are rewarded with strong inner guidance that helps us move through the world in harmony and balance.

The month of March is all about our third body - the positive mind. Our positive mind directs us toward possibility and hope, naturally reflecting the projective and imaginative qualities of early spring. A strong positive mind is optimistic and approaches situations with a good sense of humor. Scanning the field for pathways to have a bigger experience of our essence and life’s purpose is its whole job. With a weak positive mind, there is a tendency toward imbalanced calculation of the road ahead — this could manifest as over-indulgence, rushing into risk or even “toxic positivity.”

In contrast to the negative mind, which serves to protect from threats and might resist moving forward, the positive mind is all about upward momentum and new learning. A great mantra to clear any heaviness of the mind is "Chardi Kalaa," meaning "my spirit is always rising upward and forward." This March, seize the heightened activity of the positive mind to begin a new course of study, connect to your visionary self, and commune with kindred souls supporting your path.

Gian Jasdeep