Healer Feature: Venus Sabay

“Practicing Qi Gong with Venus Sabay has been a revolutionary experience. While doing extensive work, I have been able to recognize, feel, and discover much more about my energy.  I have been able to prepare myself spiritually and to heal stagnant energy. . . . [O]verall, practicing Qi Gong has helped to improve my health, prevent chronic pain, and alleviate stress and intense emotions.” - Rebecca V.

Venus believes we all have the ability to heal ourselves through the power of breath. Her journey began in 2006 when she was prone to sickness and felt her output was way more than her input. In a classic disciple and teacher training, she became a Certified Medical Qi Gong Instructor in 2012 at Inner Alchemy Energy Medicine.  Turning off the outside world while emphasizing intuition, creativity, and imagination, she applies the power of intention with moving meditations. Her classes and workshops allow each individual to experience their inner universe with significance and ease, creating a more harmonious state of being. Combining her two passions–energy work and music, she often incorporates sound healing meditations into her classes, elevating the practice to another level.


qi gong

This month, we’re especially invited to try Venus’s Qi Gong class with Crystal Bowls Class on Tuesdays at 6:30pm.

She also offers sound healing with Tibetan singing bowls and chelation -- a hands on technique that draws out impurities on a physical level, while charging and balancing the aura. Venus takes in Earth energy through the feet, then channels it to the client in progressive steps, moving up the body. These sessions are helpful for those who need a chakra tune up, who experience muscle tightness, and in extreme cases, for those who have undergone chemotherapy.


In a recent interview, Venus spoke about her energy work as a physical, intellectual, and emotional practice. The simplicity of turning off the smartphones and the analytical mind may be enough to notice where shifts are needed in the body, in relationships, and in the patterns that we create. Once we give ourselves time to synchronize, the possibilities we create for ourselves are endless!

Give yourself the time to tune in and tune up at Sat Nam Yoga Chicago! Visit Venus’ Teacher page.

Karampal Kaur