Why the "Veil is Getting Thin"

The change of season is fully with us as we cross this threshold into a twilight point. The pilgrimage of our year is coming to an end, and the autumnal energy is inviting us to exist in the liminal spaces of our consciousness – between life and death.

As the natural environment undergoes its transitions, it directs the psyche to do the same. Now is a time to be alone in one’s inmost Self. To honor the beings that have given rise to us, and to embrace our own relationship to death as the ultimate stage of liberation and transformation.

Access to the realm of the infinite becomes much easier in moments of transition. This is why it is often said that the veil between realms becomes thin during this time of year. However, the gift of seeing to the other side does not come without the pain of letting go of our attachments to that which has felt so concrete and certain throughout the year.

In the sacred space of contemplation, the yogi uses their form as an access point to the formless. Slowly and begrudgingly, we disentangle our identification to all that seemed certain. In meditation, we learn to observe the sway of polarities offered by this incarnation, and through a process of holding tight and relaxing our grip, we naturally discover the middle point – the undying, unborn awareness presiding at the center of every dance of opposites. Life will always be up and down, but we have a choice to let ourselves be led around by the emotional drama of it all. As our identification with truth (Sat Nam) increases, we start to pierce through the illusion of duality, and our consciousness crosses over to the divine resting place of the infinite. This is a powerful place to reside. Outside of time and space, it's naturally peaceful, dependable and eternal. 

Discover for yourself the gifts that await you here. Learn to hear the whispers of your angelic guides and step outside your self-imposed limitations. Create the capacity within your nervous system to contain the intensity of feeling without reaction and watch as the ghosts of your past dissolve into the ethers.

Over the coming months, we will prepare to be new, emerging from the formless into form yet again. But before we can be born again, we must allow a part of ourselves to shed. This season, dive deep into the work of release and let go of your subconscious weight. The potential for freedom is great, and the fullness of spring's blossoms depends on it. 

Gian Jasdeep