Magnetizing with Intuition

Does your brain ever feel tight from thinking so much? Ancient yogis say the mind produces 1,000 thoughts per every blink of the eye… The supercomputer in our head is constantly observing, analyzing and strategizing.

It’s a default mode arising naturally from the cultural importance we’ve placed on thought. From the Stone Age to the Enlightenment, humanity has glorified the mind as the sole faculty to help us know where to go, how to problem solve, and ways to “get ahead.”

It can be a wonderful tool, but spending too much time in the spider web of thoughts will end up overheating that precious engine and leave us ragged out. Worse yet, it can create confusion and inner conflict that puts us off-course.

What if instead, we could relax and put our lives on some sort of AI autopilot that knows exactly where to go and how to get there? The fact is, we can! Every human being comes with an inner GPS system – many of us just need to learn how to turn it on & use it.

Our intuition is the consummate turn-by-turn directions app, speaking softly to us in the midst of loud thoughts and a noisy world. Deemed one of the Nine Treasures in yogic philosophy, it brings us the gifts of synchronicity, peace of mind, and unexpected pathways through blocks and doubts.

Biologically, the intuitive faculty is linked to an optimal secretion of the pituitary and pineal glands. This is why our “gut knowing” comes to us as a feeling, a literal chemical message. And because these special thought forms are so interconnected with our physiology, they’re infused with a stronger magnetic projection. That is to say, they’ve picked up more energy from our nervous system and acquired greater density in the psyche. This is a major advantage to us, because when we follow their guidance, we're led straight to the divine breadcrumb trail of our life's purpose.

And who doesn’t want to follow that path? A deeper fulfillment and reason for living is something so many are looking for in this age of overwhelm. Fortunately for us, we’ve got an owner’s manual for that inner GPS. The tools of Kundalini Yoga are a simple and effective way to stimulate the body’s physiology to turn on those dormant parts of our higher mind. The system is practical and works lightning fast.

With the constant transition we’re all experiencing, we can’t afford to go another day without strong intuition. To manage all life’s moving parts with just the mind is an endless game of whack-a-mole. But to be guided by the part of you that just knows, cuts right to the chase.

Life is not a chessboard. The mystery of it is far greater than any of us can conceive, or that the calculating mind would like to believe. Take the leap into your higher self and be amazed by the gifts waiting for you to receive them!

Gian Jasdeep