What is Japji?

Also known as the ‘Song of the Soul,’ Japji Sahib is a poetic permutation of sounds channeled by the first Sikh Guru after his experience of enlightenment. This unique synthesis of 40 mantras has been interpreted by scholars as the “latest news from the kingdom of heaven,” carrying a pure expression of universal acceptance, divine wisdom and unconditional love that unites all religious and spiritual traditions.

In his travels throughout Asia, Guru Nanak and musician Mardana, shared the revolutionary message of ‘Ek Ong Kar’ through song. Translated simply to “One Spirit moving within all creation,” or “all things come from One and return to One,” this simple spiritual truth formed the basis of a consciousness revolution in 6th century India. Among the social changes that coincided with the dissemination of Nanak’s Japji include a rejection of the caste system, interruption of religious conflict, overturning unequal treatment of women, and exposure of the exploitation of humans and nature.

Intellectually, Japji is a heavenly thesis that dispels the myth of separateness in plain and simple terms. Experientially, it is a permutation and combination of sounds that, when recited or listened to, orients the mind toward a lived realization of Oneness. In essence, Nanak shared a practical method for common people to live in the flow of their own divine experience and to carry that into their everyday life and interactions.

As yogis, we continue to live in the frequency of this legacy when we recite the sacred lines of Japji. Through its rhythmic, meditative flow, we create a direct link to the Infinite as expressed through our unique Soul. At the root, “Jap” means to meditate and “Ji” means soul. As a tool for self-transformation, Japji is a saving grace. It imparts a unique strength of Self and connects you to your unique destiny. This very act of vibrating your Truth removes obstacles in your path, aligns you with the grace of your personal power, and opens the windows to intuitive trust.

Originally composed in Gurmukhi, the language of the Gurus, the journey to learning Japji inspires patience, focus and self-compassion. Though it can also be recited in English, the original version offers a meditative experience like no other and offers tremendous neurological benefits. There is indeed a magic to losing oneself in the sound current, as if being carried down a river of bliss without giving the intellect an opportunity to grab at every little piece. In yogic science, this process of positive self-hypnosis is a tool we use to break free from the trance-like crystallization of self-sabotaging patterns that live in the subconscious mind. 

Though formally a Sikh prayer, Japji is commonly learned and recited by both Hindus and Muslims in India, as well as practitioners of many spiritual traditions worldwide. In describing a comprehensive reality of the universal divine, it unifies all hearts and minds to the love and equanimity that is the birthright of every incarnation of life.

For an interaction with this transformational sound current, we encourage you to experience Early Morning Sadhana. This free offering is a yogic learning environment open to all - curious first-timers, Kundalini teachers in training, and anyone with a desire to take conscious control of their life! Each practice begins with a recitation of Japji, in which you will be provided a copy with a Gurmukhi transliteration, English translation, and resonant chamber of voices to listen and practice with. 

Gian Jasdeep