What is Kundalini Yoga?

Known as the Mother of all Yogas- It’s one of the original 22 schools of Yoga, often referred to as the ‘Yoga of Awareness’ as it focuses on the expansion of sensory and intuition. Kundalini Yoga is a dynamic practice that combines postures, movement, and stretching with breathwork, meditation, mudras, and mantra. It seems complex but its systematic. There is a lifestyle component that cultivates creativity, spirituality, truthfulness, compassion and the consciousness to heal yourself and serve others.


Attending Your First Class

Kundalini is a blissful and joyous practice of getting to know your true authentic self. You will leave feeling stronger, more confident, refreshed and sometimes euphoric. We always recommend that you go at your own pace and will support you with modifications,  so any class is suitable for beginner practitioners.

In a Kundalini class you’ll experience many components of yoga that are sometimes forgotten. We will practice dynamic movements like swinging your arms to create circulation and move your body in ways you never have! Each class is different as there are 100’s of Kundalini Sets. You’ll learn how to use ancient breathing techniques and the art of self regulation. Each in person class includes a generous Savasana with gong relaxation for a full body integration. Stay for communiTEA time.

Benefits of Kundalini Yoga

Physical Benefits

• Control hypertension
• Heal injuries
• Increase flexibility
• Naturally increase your stamina and endurance
• Improve circulation
• Strengthen your nervous system
• Sleep well and get your inner clock back on track

Mental Benefits

• Get rid of stress build up and learn ways to cope with stressful situations
• Control anxiety
• Be centered and calm
• Live a truthful honest life
• Sharpen your communication skills
• Have meaningful and rich relationships
• Enhance your creativity
• Think outside the box and work more efficiently
• Find emotional balance

Win your Health and Vitality!

When the body and mind are at ease, inspiration flows freely! Through the use of these ancient Yoga and Meditation techniques, you’ll experience deep inner calm, improved concentration and more confidence.

Thousands of people around the world have embraced the practice and lifestyle teachings of Kundalini Yoga as a technology to transform their lives, to experience the fulfillment that comes with clearing the subconscious blocks in the mind and body to rapidly improve emotional, physical and mental health.

Our Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Classes respectfully draw upon the vast teachings of our teacher, Yogi Bhajan.


Do I have to wear white?

White is expansive and light, there is a neutrality, a balance to it, that allows the practitioner to project past their personality. It’s also easier to see how you are breathing so our instructors can read your body’s feedback. But do you and wear what feels comfortable for you. Though, you might want to try it someday!

Why do Kundalini Yogis wear head covers?

Kundalini Yoga is an energetic practice. You can think about a turban or head cover in the same way you think about a winter hat. The hat helps keep your warmth in, it’s tangible. The turban when meditating has the same concept, to contain the energy and enhance meditative concentration at the brow point. It isn’t necessary to wear one in class, but some choose to for this reason. The added bonus is a natural cranial adjustment, and stabilization of the cerebral matter and the 26 parts of the brain, which are interlocked with the neurological system and electromagnetic field.

What goes on during a gong savasana?

The gong promotes a deeper relaxation that reaches the cellular level. We end each Kundalini class with the gong to experience the ecstasy of our expanse through sound, reset the nervous system and enhance circulation. The gong can take you deeper into the meditative mind and inspire physical or emotional release.

Are classes accessible to beginners?

Yes! All Kundalini Yoga classes are open to beginners. You may surprise yourself in your first class, as Kundalini isn’t like other yoga that requires more physical flexibility. It’s for everybody and every body, you can also use a chair if needed. Come as you are, we’ll meet you there.