How to make Yogi Tea


If you’ve been to Sat Nam, you know we take our tea time seriously. Yogi Tea is a staple of every one of our class experiences and a foundational center of the way our community connects. It’s a part of the atmosphere at Sat Nam. If you ever walked in and said “what’s that smell?” with warm delight, chances are you heard “yogi tea” in return.

Yogi Tea does more than just bring us together and cap our classes, it also works as an immune supporter and boosts upper respiratory health. It’s perfect for winter, pro-longed pandemics, making the whole apartment smell delicious and enjoying at any time - maybe after one of our virtual classes.

With all the changes we’re collectively navigating, one of the main questions we keep getting lately is “how do I make yogi tea at home?” Proof it’s powerful stuff, huh? So to bring the tea time experience to your home to be shared with those you love, here’s the not-so-secret Sat Nam way of making Yogi Tea!

The key to happiness is to laugh, sweat and drink yogi tea everyday- Yogi Bhajan


How to make Sat Nam Yogi Tea

In a stock pot put:
1 gallon of water
20 cloves
20-30 black peppercorn
15 cracked cardamom pods
2 thumb sized fresh ginger root - peeled and sliced
2 cinnamon sticks


Bring to a boil
& simmer at least 60 minutes
(Simmer 90 minutes for a stronger brew)

Add almond milk and honey to taste. Can drink hot or cold.

Enjoy! We can’t wait for our next cup with you!

Karampal Kaur